Our Philosophy
Jack and I remember what it was like to search for a recording studio that could capture what we had created during our live shows.
Twenty years ago, after spending a lot of time and money in a studio, that turned out to be ill equipped in both equipment and staff, we became frustrated and discouraged.
So we, “took the guitar by the neck” so to speak, and built a small 4 track studio, in our basement. Though common place today, twenty years ago home recording was certainly uncharted territory and we were definitely among the first pioneers. Twenty years and miles of tape later has lead us to our new studio, we call it Cloud 9.
Years of experience have taught us that an engineer needs to understand the philosophy and goals of the artists he is recording. We accomplish this in a very simple way, we listen. Not only to past recordings of the band but to the musicians themselves. We ask, what drew them to music, who are their influences and what is the over all sound and feel of the music they wish to record.
We inquire about the purpose of the recording. Is it just a simple demo to generate the interest of a booking agent, or does the recording need to be a broadcast quality master for independent or major label release. Both of those questions will certainly effect the time and budget of the recording and must be clearly established before the project can begin.
We call this first informal get-together a “pre-production meeting, for which there is no charge. If this sounds like a good idea to you and you’re looking for a studio to record your next project, please contact us to set up an appointment email or call (631) 234-2208).
Thanks for visiting our web site and good luck on your next project where ever you record it. As far as we’re concerned, the world can never have too much good music.
Rock on!